Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Pop-Tart-y Party

Wow, it feels like a long, hot minute since I've updated. It's not that I don't have material (heaps upon heaps of material...); it's just that I'm back at school. Though it was probably easy to infer, I never fully articulated that I took the summer off, but now that I'm back into the swing of Georgia things, life gets real busy real fast. Fear not, though, faithful readers, I will have a real update soon. In the mean time, I wanted to share with you a little something.

There are a lot of reasons why I write this blog, but the most fundamental is that I want people to challenge their daily routines. I don't expect everyone to be vegan or straight edge (or vegan straight edge!), but I want to share some of the reasons why I make these decisions (for indeed, staying committed to an xvx lifestyle is a daily decision), and I want to show people what I'm doing when I'm not eating animal products or rockin' a forty. It pleases me to no end when people contemplate these things after reading a post or two, and it especially pleases me to know they're experimenting with some of the ideas I've thrown out there.

One of my good friends in Denver (hi, Alex!) shot me an email to show me that she had a pop tart party. A pop tart party! I think this is a pretty fabulous way to spend an afternoon. If I remember correctly, everyone brought an ingredient and assembled their own little pastry. (Even if I don't remember correctly, I think this is a good idea.) The pictures are pretty fabulous because they show a variety of approaches to the recipe I posted - not only in ingredients but also in, uh, shape.

Obviously, this wasn't a huge event or a late night fiesta, but people are having some serious fun...

Actually, this girl doesn't look like she's having too much fun... YET. Duh, the party's about to start in her mouth! (Never judge a party by its appearance.)

I don't know about you, but I'm just floored by this enthusiasm. Seriously, is there any better testimonial than these ladies flashin' their pearls? They don't even care that, that one pan looks like Wicked Witch leftovers! Because it's a common fact the content on xvx party leads to Good Times, period. So if you've ever thought about trying something - a recipe, a game, a party, ANYTHING - don't hesitate to let me know about it. In fact, I'm putting my email in the side bar so you can do exactly that...

A special thanks to Alex and her goof ball gang for the awesome pictures. In the mean time, keep your eyes peeled for something juicy to sink your teeth into.

1 comment:

  1. This looks like so much fun- I love the idea of a pop tart-making party!
